Lotus Flower Trio

Bruno Angelini – p, comp

Angelika Niescier -alt sax

Sakina Abdou – tsax

Tour February 5-16, 2025; festivals on request

An evocation in music and hommage to the extra-ordinary women and men who stand as beacons and fight for our world’s social, political, environmental, artistic and scientific causes

Relating to Wayne Shorters citation about the Lotus Flower, which even though it is living in a swamp, will clear the water around her when she is in bloom. Therefore Bruno Angelinis idea was to create a musical contribution to his personal heros, that stood up for human rights, dignity, nature or freedom like Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Madres de Plaza de Mayo, well-known or not, but people who helped to make the world a better place, cleared the swamp around their blooming existence and often had to pay with their lives.

The first concerts just happened in 2024, gladly this musical gem was recorded right after the first tour and promises exciting life performances for 2025 onwards!


Lotus Flowers artist dossier (english)



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